All natural ecosystems yield economically valuable services, e.g. production of food and medicines, regulation of climate, provision of productive soils and clean water, opportunities for recreation, maintenance of cultural heritage, etc. Ecosystem degradation undermines the provision of vital goods and services, with considerable economic and social consequences. Harmful effects tend to be borne disproportionately by the poor, who are less able to access or afford alternatives when ecosystem services are lost. In order to influence policy, and conserve important resources, people must know how to put a value on the services ecosystems provide, and communicate those results effectively.
To build these critical skills, CSF and GIZ ValuES have partnered to develop curriculum for a series of trainings on Ecosystem Service Valuation. In October, we partnered with the Resource Mobilization Project of Namibia's Ministry of Environment and Tourism to offer training to 26 Namibian environmental leaders. The 5-day training included:
- An overview of the Ecosystem Services approach
- The concept and components of Total Economic Value
- In-depth coverage of revealed and stated preference valuation methods
- Presentation of valuation case studies
- Examples of policy applications in Namibia
- Guidance on how to conduct studies to address political outcomes
- Brainstorming project ideas for the coming year