Integrated Environmental-Economic Project Appraisal in the Water and Sanitation Sector

Location (address)
Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C.
Region & Country
3 days
Course Type
Institutional In-House Training
Specialized Short Format Training

A three day training for water and sanitation sector specialists with IDB. For more information about CSF's work with IDB, please read our blog post about the training series.

Day 1

  • Key economic concepts
  • Ecosystem services and environmental valuation in the water sector
  • Case studies of environmental valuation in the water sector: when should values be quantified, which impacts can be measured
  • Optional participant project workshop: identifying and measuring values in IDB projects

Day 2

  • Ecosystem services valuation exercise
  • Modeling impacts of water and sanitation projects on biodiversity and ecosystem services: models used, identification of scenarios
  • Modeling impacts of water and sanitation projects: exercise
  • Optional participant project workshop: identifying biological dimensions and alternative scenarios in IDB projects

Day 3

  • Cost benefit analysis: overview and key concepts
  • Cost benefit analysis: perspectives, alternatives, financial analysis
  • Cost benefit analysis: economic analysis, externalities, case studies
  • Optional participant project workshop: incorporating ecosystem services into IDB project appraisal