Applied Economics for Effective Fisheries and Marine Conservation Policy and Management in Indonesia
Indonesia Marine Fellowship Program 2021-2022
2021-2022 Selected Fellows
After a rigorous selection process, we are proud to announce that we have selected our final 12 fellows for the Third Marine Fellowship Program (MFP) for 2021-2022. We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to each of the selected fellows. Please see the complete list of fellows and research topics below.
“Modeling the integration of ecological services and economic analysis into Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).”
Wellem Anselmus Teniwut
“Measuring the importance and the benefits of Marine Protected Areas in the Kei Islands, Maluku, for sustainability in the marine sector.”
Trisnani Dwi Hapsari
“Improvement of mud crab fishery governance based on socio-economic and institutional approaches in Mojo Village, Ulujami District, Pemalang Regency.”
Irkhamiawan Ma’ruf
“Sustainability analysis of culture-based fisheries and freshwater protected areas in the Floodplain, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, Indonesia.”
Atrasina Adlina
“Cost-benefit analysis of lost or discarded fishing gear in Indonesia.”
Nailatalmuna Nitrasatri Atmaja
“Analysis of the traceability policy in Indonesia: a case study of the European Union, United States of America, and Japan.”
Nur Fadli
“Analyzing the economic impacts of grouper and snapper fisheries to support small-scale fisheries management in Aceh Besar, western Indonesia.”
Muhammad Nur Arkham
“Management of seagrass conservation areas using payments for ecosystem services: a choice experiment method (Case: Bintan Regency, Riau Islands).”
Aah Ahmad Almulqu
“Climate-change mitigation and adaptation of mangrove areas in East Nusa Tenggara (the case in islands of Timor and Flores).”
Subhechanis Saptanto
“Economic valuation study of mangrove habitat and the fisheries sector in Banten Bay.”
Rismawaty Rusdi
“Potential and sustainable management of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province.”
Cindy Silvia Hadi
“Impact analysis of seafood certification.”
About the Marine Fellowship Program
After conducting two Marine Fellowship Programs (MFPs) in 2016 and 2019, Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) at IPB University are excited to announce our Third Marine Fellowship Program through 2021 and 2022. Through the 2021-2022 Marine Fellowship Program, selected fellows will receive financial support to conduct field research along with technical supervision in economic theory, environmental economic analysis, environmental conservation, and natural resource management by CSF in-house experts and FPIK-IPB faculty members.
This fellowship is made possible by the generous support of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Research Topics
Fellow research proposals will focus on economics as the primary tool of analysis on fisheries management and marine conservation in the 11 Fisheries Management Areas (FMA/WPP) of Indonesia. Various economic perspectives may be used, such as impact analysis, cost-benefit analysis, economic valuation, payment of ecosystem services, game theory, bio-economics, etc. The 2020-2021 cohort will focus on five research themes with possible research topics below:
1. Economic analysis of upstream to downstream fisheries (input-production-output-market)
Possible topics:
- Analysis on fisheries input: Fish traceability program
- Input and output control policy (e.g., quota, gear restriction, access)
- Technological innovation in fisheries management
- Investment in small-scale fisheries
- Contribution of existing small-scale fisheries
- Contribution of Integrated Fisheries Center (SKPT)
- Impact analysis of seafood certification
2. Economic analysis of inland fisheries and aquaculture as alternatives to reduce pressure on catch marine fisheries
Possible topics:
- Value of inland fisheries and aquaculture
- Contribution of inland fisheries and aquaculture to the local economy
- Benefits of inland fisheries and aquaculture in supporting FMA’s fisheries goals
3. Economic analysis of Marine Protected Area’s contribution to fisheries in the FMA
Possible topics:
- Sustainable financing of MFAs
- Economic potential of fisheries and marine tourism
- MPA conservation for ecological and economic benefit
- Welfare of local community living within and adjacent to MPA
- Ecosystem benefits of MPA to surrounding waters
- Socio-economic benefits derived from MPAs
- Alternative livelihood impact in communities living within an MPA
4. Economic or impact analysis of human induced change in marine ecosystem
Possible topics:
- Climate change impact to fisheries and marine ecosystem
- Marine debris impact to fisheries and marine ecosystem
- Pollution impact to fisheries and marine ecosystem
- Impact of invasive/alien species
5. Economic and policy analysis of fisheries management
Possible topics:
- Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing policy impact to fisheries
- Impact of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF/KKP) direct assistance program
- Effectiveness of Fisheries Management Areas (FMA/WPP)
- Fiscal instruments in supporting sustainable fisheries
- Integrated land and coastal management and development
- Regulatory impact assessment on national fisheries policies
- Fishing industry investment in Indonesia
Eligible Applicants
The Marine Fellowship Program is ideal for graduate students, researchers, academics, analysts, practitioners, and representatives of national and subnational government institutions and civil society organizations (CSOs). The program is aimed at those with experience or expertise on issues related to fisheries and marine conservation policy and management, and sustainable development.
The selection process prioritizes proposals that demonstrate an understanding of critical conservation issues and technical knowledge of applied economic tools, as well as professionals whose roles are directly related to future conservation and sustainable development projects. In addition, CSF and its partners prioritize geographical representation, and the promotion of ethnic and gender diversity.
All fellows must have prior knowledge in economics, strong analytical and critical thinking skills, and excellent reading and writing skills in English. Additionally, all fellows must have working knowledge in statistics, qualitative and quantitative approaches, and the ability to provide additional research funding for this fellowship.
The selection process prioritizes proposals that demonstrate a strong understanding of critical conservation issues, research that directly relates to fisheries and marine conservation policy and management, sustainable development projects, and technical knowledge of economic approaches to marine management. Priority is also given to proposals that:
- Contain an institutional counterpart to complement the financial and technical support of the research project. In particular, those who submit a letter expressing the institution’s interest in the research and indication of financial resources and/or time for the candidate to conduct research will be given special attention.
- Contribute to a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.
- Include a cost-effective budget (relationship between the budget and the scope of research).
- Have the potential to influence decision-making and management policies.
The selected proposals will each be funded up to IDR 100,000,000. This amount may be used to cover fieldwork activities, analysis and data collection, travel costs related to training and other activities, contracting services, and fees for researchers (up to 25% of total budget). Applicants are encouraged to find additional sources of financing to complement this grant.
Technical support will be provided by members of the CSF and FPIK-IPB team and other experts in environmental conservation, natural resources, fisheries economics, and marine sciences. Mentors are selected based on extensive field experience and have a deep understanding of the current challenges in fisheries and marine conservation policy and management, and sustainable development in Indonesia. The tenure of the fellowship is 14 to 15 months.