The Regional Symposium: "The Value of Nature", took place in Quito, Ecuador, from the 27th of November to December 1, 2017. The event was held at the Hotel Quito, and included a combination of plenary sessions, training, and interactive sessions on the topic of quantification and valuation of ecosystem services for sustainable development. Attendees were able to choose from a combination of sessions led by experts from the Natural Capital Project (NatCap) and Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF). For attendees working in coastal and marine contexts, the central themes included the assessment of the risks to habitat and marine protected areas. Those working on freshwater and terrestrial environments focused on ecosystem services, particularly those related to hydroelectric power and water funds. The training included hands-on work with NatCap and CSF tools and models. The sessions were conducted mainly in Spanish, with live translation where necessary. Trainers and panelists included:
- Adrian Vogl, Senior Scientist, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University.
- Katherine Wyatt, Analyst of Ecosystem Services, Natural Capital Project - Stanford University.
- Kelly Meza Prado, Researcher, Natural Capital Project, University of Minnesota.
- Jorge Leon, Specialist in Water Funds, The Nature Conservancy - Latin America Region.
- Gabriel Quijandría, Director of the Andes-Amazonia Norte Program, Conservation Strategy Fund, Peru.
- José Carlos Rubio, Economic Analyst, Conservation Strategy Fund, Peru.
- Sophia Espinoza, Economic Analyst, Conservation Strategy Fund, Bolivia.
- Carlos Solis, Economic Analyst, Conservation Strategy Fund, Bolivia.
This Regional Symposium was generously funded by the MacArthur Foundation and the Moore Foundation's Andes-Amazon Initiative, and conducted in partnership with WWF-Ecuador.