New Milestone Reached in Public Consultation on the Sintang General Investment
The development of the Sustainable Sintang Initiative has reached a new milestone. Throughout 2021 Yayasan Strategi Konservasi Indonesia (YSKI) together with the Sustainable District Association (LTKL), and the Sintang One-Stop Integrated Services and Investment Agency (DPMPTSP) have worked together on the Sintang General Investment Plan through a series of writing workshops and FGDs involving the stakeholders.
On January 26th, 2022, our joint collaboration with LTKL and DPMPTSP Sintang held a “Public Consultation on the Sintang General Investment Plan Academic Draft” in Sintang using a hybrid event format. It was attended by more than 34 participants from various institutions, such as CSOs, NGOs, Government Institutions, and Academics in the Sintang Regency. This public consultation was for an in-depth review of each chapter of the academic draft, discussions with the stakeholders in the Sintang Regency, and to improve the coordination between stakeholders to write a more comprehensive complete draft.
“The Public Consultation is a platform to do a massive review on the Investment Plan draft chapter with the public stakeholders. It’s also become a platform to share and collect information for the Investment Plan draft and build coordination between stakeholders to have a more comprehensive Investment Plan draft.”
- Opening remarks of Ir. Erwin Simanjuntak, Head of Sintang Investment and One-Stop Service Agency
The Public Consultation is also part of the ongoing Sustainable Sintang initiative that has been officiated by the Sintang Regent.
“In order to implement the Sustainable Sintang into the Medium-Term Development Plan and its activities, the Sintang government needs to have the Investment Plan Academic Draft documents. With this Public Consultation, the government believes that with the collaboration, cooperation, and contribution of the public we could write a more comprehensive revised Investment Plan draft.”
- Kartiyus, Head of Sintang’s Development Planning Agency
In the upcoming years, Yayasan Strategi Konservasi (YSKI) plans to collaborate with the Sintang government to support the implementation of Sustainable Sintang. This Consultation marks the milestone for Phase 1 and 2 (2018 - 2022 period) in the Sustainable Sintang initiative. In phase 3, the collaboration is planning to shift focus to 3 main areas; policy development on the alignment of Sintang spatial planning and the new direction of its 5 years plan ahead (RPJMD 2021-2026), capacity building on specific themes i.e., budget tagging, and smart infrastructure, In-land fishery, and food security.
This collaboration was made possible by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

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