Following the selection of the Illegal Gold Mining Impacts Calculator as a finalist for "The Grand Challenge of Artisanal Mining: The Amazon" last July, the Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) participated in the "Innovation Xchange". This space brought together key actors from the public and private sectors, civil society, members of indigenous communities and academia.
Photo: Conservation X Labs.
CSF’s Mining Impact Calculator has been selected as one of 13 finalists for the Conservation X Labs’ Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: The Amazon
With funding support from Microsoft, USAID, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Esri, this Challenge aims to support innovators to develop and implement solutions that
Road in Brazil. Photo credit: Pedarilhos/ has been working with the Moore Foundation, IPAM, and FCDS to identify the relative riskiness of planned roads in the Amazon basin in terms of economic, social and environmental costs. Our goal is to promote better infrastructure decision-making in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru by contributing reliable data to the national road planning process.
Highway in Ecuador. Photo credit: Shutterstock/ Dr. Morley Read.
Aerial view of a road through the Amazon forest in Ecuador. Photo credit: Dr. Morley ReadInfrastructure investments in the Amazon can support economic and social development, and bring services to remote populations. However, if poorly planned, they can also result in irreversible, destructive change to the environment and ecosystem services on which communities depend, and lead to inefficient use of economic resources.
José Carlos Rubio Ayllón (CSF) presenting the HydroCalculator.
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Este 19 y 20 de agosto once becarios del Programa de Becas para el Desarrollo de Investigaciones Económicas Aplicadas para la Conservación en la Amazonía Andina presentaron, junto con sus tutores, los resultados de sus investigaciones a participantes de entidades de gobierno, ONG y universidades.
Les invitamos a la primera presentación de resultados de las investigaciones desarrolladas en el marco del programa Investigaciones Económicas Aplicadas para la Conservación en la Amazonía Andina, diseñado para fortalecer las capacidades de investigadores de la región en la aplicación de herramientas avanzadas de análisis económico para la conservación de la biodiversidad.