

Conservation Strategy Fund is proud to announce our membership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world’s oldest and largest global environmental network and a global authority on protecting the natural world. By bringing together top experts and organizations, IUCN aims to forward conservation work and advance global sustainable development in over 160 countries.
Alfonso Malky, Director Técnico de CSF para América Latina, participó del Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Amazonia peruana: investigación para el desarrollo, perspectivas y retos, llevado a cabo del 23 al 27 de noviembre.
Marine Fellowship Program mentors and participants in Gorontalo, making a “c” for conservation sign. Photo credit: Setia Dewi 
Photo Credit: Conservation Strategy Fund 
Leny Dwihastuty is studying the benefits of Ministry Regulation Kepmen KP No 47 Tahun 2016
Scott Edwards and Jon Mellberg in Akagera National Park. Photo credit: Anonymous. 
Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve. Photo credit: Ceci Simon 
In partnership with the Forest Code Observatory (OCF) and Brazilian State level Environment Agencies, CSF-Brazil has concluded a study on the implementation of Environmental Reserve Quotas (CRAs) in the state of Maranhão (MA), and opportunities in Bahia (BA) and Tocantins (TO). We aim to support MA in the CRAs market implementation and to promote dialogue and experience sharing among MA, BA and TO. The ultimate goal of the study is to promote ecosystem and forest conservation in a more economically efficient and environmentally sound way in the Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga Brazilian biomes.