

Workshop participants doing group work. Conservação Estratégica (CSF-Brasil) led a workshop on sustainable business plans for products from the Amazon. The aim was to create an open-space for dialogue on possible ways to support the development of sustainable businesses and the strengthening of their value chains in the Brazilian Amazon.
CSF-Brazil is pleased to announce the launch of a new publication (in Portuguese): "The values of ecosystem services of the Brazilian mangroves, economic instruments for its conservation and the Salgado Paraense case study". Roughly 90% of mangroves in Brazil are located in protected areas (PA). However, there are important deficiencies in financial sustainability and resource management that affect natural capital stocks, biodiversity and thus, local communities.
This article was originally written by SPDA / A tourist at the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve. Photo credit: Annie EscobedoConservation Strategy Fund (CSF) presented a study on the economic impact of tourism within the Natural Protected Areas (ANP) of the National System of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SINANPE).
Yaguas National Park, Peru. Photo credit: Frank S. Cardoza
Interviewers Milagros Estrada and Luis Bernal, Huancaya, Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve. Photo: Annie Escobedo.
In August 2017, CSF-Brazil presented our results from the economic feasibility study for the implementation of the Agro-extractivist Cooperatives and Associations Network of the State of Amazonas (RECABAAM) in Beruri, Amazonas. More than twenty stakeholders attended the presentation, representing the community-based factories processing the Brazil nut, civil society institutions and state government, including the Institute of Agricultural and Sustainable Forestry Development of the State of Amazonas (IDAM) and the State Secretary of Rural Production (SEPROR).
CSF Director Técnico de Latinoamérica, Alfonso Malky, presentando en el evento
Participants and organizers of the RECABAAM modeling workshop.
Foto: Carlos SolísFrom April 18th to 20th in Bogotá, Colombia, CSF held a course on "Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and their implementation in protected areas". More than 40 officials from National Natural Parks of Colombia (PNNC), from different regions of Colombia, participated in the course, acquiring the necessary knowledge to enable them to implement PES mechanisms in the country's protected areas.