

Participants and organizers of the RECABAAM modeling workshop.
Foto: Carlos SolísFrom April 18th to 20th in Bogotá, Colombia, CSF held a course on "Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and their implementation in protected areas". More than 40 officials from National Natural Parks of Colombia (PNNC), from different regions of Colombia, participated in the course, acquiring the necessary knowledge to enable them to implement PES mechanisms in the country's protected areas.
CSF's Fernanda Alvarenga doing a presentation during one of the value chains workshops.
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In early August, CSF and the Chico Mendes Institute for Conservation of Biodiversity (ICMBio), in partnership with the United States Forest Service (USFS), held a four day training on Economic and Financial Feasibility of Supporting Services for Visitation of Conservation Units (Unidades de Conservação - UCs) at the Biodiversity National Academy (ACADEBio), in Iperó, Brazil. Course participants and instructors.
Participants and instructors in the course.
Scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) in a mangrove treeIn May 2016, staff from the CSF Brazil team travelled to the Salgado Paraense region, located on the northern coast of the state of Pará.  Their goal was to collect important information as part of our project on the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems. This project seeks to sensitize the government and society to the benefits these ecosystems provide, and make recommendations about economic instruments that could be used to promote financial sustainability of protected areas.