MAR-L Fellows with course organizers and instructors. Photo credit: FMCN
MFP Finalists at the January Workshop in Bogor. Photo credit: Adil Firdaus
We are pleased to announce the 2017 Indonesia Marine Fellows! Congratulations to the six selected candidates:
Reny Puspasari
Climate Variability Impact To Sardine Fisheries In Bali Strait and Its Economic Consequences
Widhya Nugroho Satrioadjie
Investment in obtaining information of unreported catch and FADs: preparation/compliance on traceability fisheries system
Akhmad Solihin
Photo credit: Jason LaiThe Marine Fellowship Program (MFP), a collaboration between Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences at Bogor Agricultural University (FPIK-IPB), will support six talented analysts in the field of fisheries and marine economics. The selected fellows will start their research in February 2017.
CSF Indonesia would like to thank all the applicants to the Marine Fellowship Program (MFP). We received many excellent applications, and are proud to announce the 18 finalists whose project titles are listed below:
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On September 30th and 31st, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and CSF presented the first results of the “Sustainable Fisheries in the Amazon Coast Project" to our partners in São Luís, Brazil. Sixty representatives from government, universities, the private sector, civil society, associations, cooperatives, fishermen groups, trade unions, and the implementing partners attended the meeting.
Fernanda Alvarenga introducing CSF´s work.