

Scott Edwards and Jon Mellberg in Akagera National Park. Photo credit: Anonymous. 
Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve. Photo credit: Ceci Simon 
The project team in front of the project stand at the Agrotins fair. From left to right: Maria Garcia (CI), Iamily Cunha (CI), Camila Jericó-Daminello (CSF), Paulo Seifer (Imaflora) and Karine Barcelos (CI). Photo credit: Anonymous 
Workshop participants in Sintang. Photo credit: Sopian Hidayat 
Workshop participants in the Real Beni community. Photo Credit: Lilian Apaza 
Sangeeta participating in CSF's Economic Tools for Marine Conservation course in Palau in 2014. Photo Credit: Dr. Dean Miller
The spectacular landscape of West Papua. Photo credit: Roderick Eime
Workshop Participants. Photo credit: CSF CSF-Brazil has released our study "Strengthening Tourism in Indigenous Lands: Analysis of Tourism Supply and Demand in the Juruena River Basin, Mato Grosso state", conducted in partnership with Native Amazon Operation (OPAN). The study analyzed the demand and supply of tourism in Mato Grosso state (MT) state to support the development of sustainable tourism in Indigenous Lands (ILs) of the Juruena river basin.
CSF-Brazil conducted a feasibility study of the most promising restoration business models for private investment in southern Amazon (AM) state, Brazil. We conducted an economic assessment of three restoration models based on agroforestry found in the field: (1) Guaraná; (2) Coffee, cocoa and guaraná; (3) Coffee, cocoa, guaraná, açaí and banana. Feasibility results show that private investors can be attracted by these compelling business cases.
CSF-Brazil conducted a feasibility study of the most promising restoration business models for private investment in southern Amazon (AM) state, Brazil. We conducted an economic assessment of three restoration models based on agroforestry found in the field: (1) Guaraná; (2) Coffee, cocoa and guaraná; (3) Coffee, cocoa, guaraná, açaí and banana. Feasibility results show that private investors can be attracted by these compelling business cases.