

For the past year, CSF-Bolivia has been working on an innovative platform called CASA Verde which aims to engage different sectors of Bolivian society including conservation NGOs, private companies, and the general public, who are interested in contributing to environmental conservation. The main objective of CASA Verde is to improve conservation of ecosystems that sustain life and productive activities in Bolivia by promoting greater participation and awareness in society. CASA Verde will also contribute to the implementation of the commitments assumed by Bolivia in the National Development Plan, as well as the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
José Carlos Rubio Ayllón (CSF) presenting the HydroCalculator.
Reunión en Peñas Blancas, Parque Farallones del Cali. Foto: Carlos SolísColombia es actualmente uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad del planeta. Esta riqueza está representada en 59 áreas naturales, las cuales son administradas por el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (SPNNC). ElSPNNC está apostando por la implementación de esquemas de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales (PSA), a fin de estimular la conservación, preservación y restauración de los ecosistemas.
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In early August, CSF and the Chico Mendes Institute for Conservation of Biodiversity (ICMBio), in partnership with the United States Forest Service (USFS), held a four day training on Economic and Financial Feasibility of Supporting Services for Visitation of Conservation Units (Unidades de Conservação - UCs) at the Biodiversity National Academy (ACADEBio), in Iperó, Brazil. Course participants and instructors.
Our 17th annual International Economic Tools for Conservation course is underway at Stanford University! We have an amazing group of people from every corner of the globe sharing ideas about how to protect the ecosystems and human livelihoods of the world.
In May Conservation Strategy Fund and World Wide Fund for Nature - Nepal (WWF Nepal) held a one-day policy forum on biodiversity conservation and infrastructure development. The forum covered environmental economics and policy tools used to integrate conservation and infrastructure plans in Nepal. The discussion focused on how infrastructure planning and decision-making could be improved across the Himalayan Region. Dr. Krishna Chandra Paudel, Secretary of Nepal’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, specifically addressed the need to comprehensively evaluate infrastructure projects and policies at the national level.