Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and Wildlife Conservation Society Bolivia (WCS) are currently working to provide technical guidance on the development of a mitigation hierarchy in the Bolivian transportation sector (Jerarquía de Mitigación - JdM).
Alfonso Malky, Director Técnico de CSF para América Latina, participó del Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Amazonia peruana: investigación para el desarrollo, perspectivas y retos, llevado a cabo del 23 al 27 de noviembre.
Um estudo recente desenvolvido pela Conservação Estratégica revelou algumas questões em relação à viabilidade econômica de 75 projetos rodoviários planejados na bacia Amazônica.
Un estudio hecho por Conservación Estratégica descubrió algunas cosas sobre la viabilidad económica de 75 proyectos viales planificados en la cuenca amazónica.
Watch the latest video from our economic video series, where we present the findings from our most recent study, "A better Amazon road network for people and the environment."
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Photo credit: Alejandro Burr.
Road in Brazil. Photo credit: Pedarilhos/ has been working with the Moore Foundation, IPAM, and FCDS to identify the relative riskiness of planned roads in the Amazon basin in terms of economic, social and environmental costs. Our goal is to promote better infrastructure decision-making in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru by contributing reliable data to the national road planning process.
Highway in Ecuador. Photo credit: Shutterstock/ Dr. Morley Read.