

In partnership with the Costa Rican Fisheries Federation (La Federación Costarricense de Pesca) (FECOP), Conservation Strategy Fund is proud to share our latest video on sport fishery economics. Our latest video demonstrates the surprising impact that sport and charter fishing have on the economy, the dynamic interplay between sport and commercial fishing, and the importance of effective fisheries management.
This August, CSF Indonesia held its first virtual course in collaboration with the Sintang District Government in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, as a part of the ongoing Green Sintang Action Plan. In response to COVID-19, CSF Indonesia transitioned the in-person training into a virtual format, which allowed the team to better reach local stakeholders and community leaders throughout the Sintang District.
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Conservation Strategy Fund held its first-ever virtual and online training for our flagship international course: Economics and Finance for Environmental Leadership. With 57 participants from 29 different countries, the CSF training team worked tirelessly to transition our in-person course into a virtual learning format and provide an exceptional educational experience for participants from all over the world.
In early June, Conservation Strategy Fund released a statement standing in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protests. To support those fighting for environmental and social justice, CSF recognized that the organization needed to take steps to help support and uplift diverse voices. In response, CSF organized an all-staff call to discuss the Black Lives Matter movement and to hear the stories and concerns raised by staff in all of the international offices.
Um estudo recente desenvolvido pela Conservação Estratégica revelou algumas questões em relação à viabilidade econômica de 75 projetos rodoviários planejados na bacia Amazônica.
For years, the fishing industry in the Sorong region of West Papua, Indonesia, has relied on a broker system between local fisherman and commercial companies; a system that disproportionately prioritizes export-grade fish for trade, often to the detriment of local fishers. As a result, when the government placed restrictions on fishing activities and markets due to COVID-19, local fisherman suffered a devastating setback. Unable to fish or sell their fish at market, many local families were left without a primary source of income. 
Un estudio hecho por Conservación Estratégica descubrió algunas cosas sobre la viabilidad económica de 75 proyectos viales planificados en la cuenca amazónica.
In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, CSF Indonesia held its first-ever webinar as a part of our collaborative engagement with the Sintang District Government in West Kalimantan, Indonesia for its Green Sintang Action Plan.
All aboard! The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) and the Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner (OPOC), in partnership with Conservation Strategy Fund, the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), embarked over a year ago on the journey of the Pacific Ocean Finance Fellowship Program.
Watch the latest video from our economic video series, where we present the findings from our most recent study, "A better Amazon road network for people and the environment."