

Kuala Tungkal is the capital city of West Tanjung Jabung Regency on the east coast of central Sumatra and lies within Indonesia’s Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 711. The majority of people in this coastal city make their living fishing, and the endemic mantis shrimp is their main source of income.
Leny Dwihastuty is studying the benefits of Ministry Regulation Kepmen KP No 47 Tahun 2016
Fellow: Andi Sagita MFP Project Title: Model of Marine Plastic Management for Small Scale Fishers in Jakarta
Fellow: Diding Sudira Efendi  MFP Project Title: Policy impact assessment on grouper and snapper fisheries supply chain and small-scale fisheries economic in Saleh Bay: An agent-based modeling approach
The 2019 Pacific Ocean Finance Fellows, mentor team, and FFA and OPOC representatives. Photo credit: Tanoa Hotel
CSF-Indonesia is conducting a Fisheries Management Area (FMA) analysis program in cooperation with the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science at Bogor Agricultural University (FPIK-IPB) and Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (FPIK-UMRAH). The FMAs were established in 2009, dividing Indonesia’s marine territory into eleven areas, with the dual mandate of effectively managing the fisheries and improving the livelihood of fishers.
Editor's note: We are sharing stories from our 2019-20 Marine Fellows on our blog and social media this week. Read on and visit us on instagram (@conservationstrategyfund) for more photos.   Fellow: Sri Fitriani Monoarfa MFP Project Title: Economic value of whale shark tourism in Botubarani village, Bone Bolango Regency
Editor's note: We are sharing stories from our 2019-20 Marine Fellows on our blog and social media this week. Read on and visit us on instagram (@conservationstrategyfund) for more photos.   Fellow: Permana Ari Soejarwo MFP Project Title: The Economic cost of a natural disaster on marine tourism in Indonesian coastal areas: The case of South Lampung regency.