

CSF Analyst José Carlos Rubio helping a participant with the cost-benefit analysis exercise. Photo credit: Niki Gribi
Course graduates Marco Bustamente (2014), Sara Mateo (2013), Sofia Vargas (2015), Maria Pia Diaz (2015), and Dora Samaneigo (2014) enjoying the alumni gathering in Lima. Photo credit: Niki Gribi
This article was originally written by SPDA / A tourist at the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve. Photo credit: Annie EscobedoConservation Strategy Fund (CSF) presented a study on the economic impact of tourism within the Natural Protected Areas (ANP) of the National System of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SINANPE).
A rural area near São Paulo, Brazil. Photo credit: Filipe Frazão
Yaguas National Park, Peru. Photo credit: Frank S. Cardoza
CSF staff traveled to Monterey in December to lead a three-day training for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). This short course focused on marine fisheries, and is the third course we have led for the Department. Participants included 17 CDFW staff from the marine region, and one researcher from the California Sea Grant program and UC Santa Cruz. We were able to reach participants in field offices across California using remote access technology and our online workspace. Professor Steven Hackett presenting at the course. Photo credit: Niki Gribi
CSF-Brazil recently hosted the seminar "Implementation of Environmental Reserve Quotas (CRA) in Brazilian states" to help promote more economically efficient and environmentally sound forest conservation, in partnership with the Federal University of Minas Gerais state (UFMG), the Forest Code Observatory (OCF) and the Environmentalist Parliamentary Front, on December 7th at the House of Representatives in Brasília, Brazil. More than forty people attended the event, representing the Ministry of the Environment, the Environment Secretariats of thirteen states, non-governmental organizations, research institutions, national and international universities, as well as the organizing institutions.
José Carlos Rubio Ayllón (CSF) presenting the HydroCalculator.
CSF staff conducted a field visit to villages of the Munduruku people in the Brazilian Amazon. These communities have been adversely affected for several years by the construction of the Teles Pires and São Manoel hydropower plants. Scenic beauty of the Teles Pires river.