

Located in the Sulawesi Waters and North Halmahera of Indonesia, Fisheries Management Area 716 (FMA 716) is one of the most thriving fisheries in Indonesia, known especially for its contingency of small pelagic fish. Pelagic fish are a group of small, often schooling species that eat microscopic plants and animals drifting near the ocean surface. Out of 118 pelagic species found in Indonesia, this fisheries management area hosts 25 species, providing great potential for fishing in the area. 
In June 2022, the Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) participated in the Second Ordinary Session of the Committee to Combat the Illicit Exploitation of Mining Deposits (CLEIYM) of the Department of Amazonas in Colombia. The meeting is a space promoted by the Government of Amazonas to articulate between State agencies and key actors.
Conservation Strategy Fund has just released a milestone study of the costs and benefits of the Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) in Southern Africa, in a project financed by USAID. Our findings call for more widespread use of economics to make smarter and more effective investments in curbing IWT.  
  Video | Impacto Económico de las medidas de Mitigación para alcanzar las Contribuciones Determinadas Nacionalmente (NDCs) en Bolivia  
Vídeo | Áreas Protegidas y su Rol en la Provisión del Recurso Hídrico en Bolivia
    Vídeo: Áreas Protegidas y su Contribución a la Regulación Climática en Bolivia
As part of Borneo Island, Sintang is blessed with its primary rainforest and vast biodiversity. The fertile soil of this beautiful island has become a livelihood staple for the Sintang people, however, it is under a great threat. Agricultural deforestation has created imbalance within the ecosystem, and must be addressed with an ecological and economic sustainability approach.
PIENSA VERDE es la primera plataforma multisectorial que articula los esfuerzos de organizaciones de la sociedad civil, con los de empresas privadas y ciudadanos, en favor de los bosques, especies y áreas protegidas de Bolivia.