

The fellows in our Marine Fellowship Program, now in their third year, continue to make a huge impact on local marine policy and national fishery policy across Indonesia. The ongoing fellowship is a partnership between Yayasan Strategi Konservasi Indonesia (YSKI, or CSF Indonesia) and Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK IPB) University, and we recently held a two-day workshop for our Marine Fellowship Program 3 fellows to create a space to share their research accomplishments and plans with their peers. 
The development of the Sustainable Sintang Initiative has reached a new milestone. Throughout 2021 Yayasan Strategi Konservasi Indonesia (YSKI) together with the Sustainable District Association (LTKL), and the Sintang One-Stop Integrated Services and Investment Agency (DPMPTSP) have worked together on the Sintang General Investment Plan through a series of writing workshops and FGDs involving the stakeholders. 
El Pacífico colombiano es una región de gran belleza y diversidad natural y cultural, pero también de grandes desafíos relacionados con la generación de oportunidades para su población. En el golfo de Tribugá, la Sociedad Portuaria Arquímedes ha propuesto la construcción de un puerto y una carretera que lo conecta al resto del país. CSF realizó un análisis costo-beneficio de ambos proyectos, el cual incluyó, entre otros, los costos sociales y ambientales que el proyecto generaría y que han sido cuestionados por varios sectores de la sociedad colombiana. ¡Conoce nuestros hallazgos principales!
Vídeo: Análisis Costo Beneficio de los Proyectos Portuario y Vial en Tribugá
Sustainable fishing practices are a growing global concern, the impacts of which affect all marine life across the globe and fishing industries. As an archipelago, Indonesia has an incredible potential to be a leader in sustainable fishing practices, with enough marine life to provide the country with an abundance of seafood, however, though blessed with the coral triangle and its marine biodiversity, Indonesia fishery practices are still far from sustainable. 
The Kei Islands is a small archipelago region located in the southeastern part of Maluku province Indonesia that consists of several islands, including Kei Besar, Kei Kecil, Tanimbar Kei, Dullah Islands, Kuur, Taam, and Tayandu islands. This region is also part of the Coral Triangle (CT), an area with a high biodiversity level that needs to be managed by Marine Protected Area (MPA) where human activities are limited in order to preserve the ecosystems.
The training participants in the FGD session. Photo credit: Hasan Adha Fauzi                         
Around 17 percent of the Amazon Rainforest has been destroyed in the last 50 years due to deforestation, jeopardizing important global ecosystem services and threatening indigenous treaties and claims to land.
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