

Workshop participants, Bajo Madidi. Photo Credit: Conservation Strategy Fund
The Focus Group Discussion’s participants. Photo credit: Hasan Adha Fauzi 
As part of Conservation Strategy Fund Indonesia’s ongoing collaboration with The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), CSF Indonesia held a National Seminar and Policy Dialogue on research and policy in fisheries socio-economics.
On Sep 13, 2021, Piensa Verde promoted its first “Green Carpet” concert event (“Alfombra Verde Respira”) to bring together Bolivian celebrities, the press, and the public to raise support for the protection of Bolivian forests through a night of fashion, fun, and music. 
In collaboration with the Federal Public Prosecutors’ Office of Brazil (MPF), CSF designed a Mining Impacts Calculator to estimate the socio-environmental costs of illegal gold mining in Brazil. With this tool, the MPF can now easily and efficiently calculate the estimated costs of illegal gold-mining activities and enforce stricter financial penalties for lawbreakers across Brazil.
That’s a wrap! Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) concluded its third and final week of our 2021 annual international course: Economics & Finance for Environmental Leadership. With 46 participants from 25 countries representing 25 different organizations and institutions, our 2021 cohort was a diverse group of conservation professionals from all around the world.
O Brasil é um dos maiores consumidores de agrotóxicos do mundo. De acordo com dados fornecidos pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), o consumo de agrotóxicos no Brasil está aumentando rapidamente com cerca de 162.000 toneladas de agrotóxicos utilizados em 2000, em comparação com as cerca de 549.000 toneladas utilizadas em 2018. 
Brazil is one of the largest consumers of pesticides in the world. In fact, according to data provided by the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), Brazil’s consumption of pesticides is rapidly increasing with roughly 162,000 tons of pesticides used in 2000 compared to the roughly 549,000 tons used in 2018. 
In 2018, Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and our partner Oceana conducted a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to assess the creation of the proposed Nazca Ridge Marine Protected Area (MPA) located off the coast of central Peru. Our analysis estimated the benefits from the creation of a proposed MPA 100 kilometers offshore and found that the benefits to conserving the marine ecosystem far outweighed the costs of management.
A part of the recently established Gorontalo Province, North Gorontalo Regency lies within the Tomini Gulf and Sulawesi Sea of Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 716 in Indonesia. As a lecturer at Gorontalo University, Nurul Auliyah wanted to learn more about the local marine management of FMA 716, in particular, the management of the local skipjack population (Katsuwonus Pelamis).