Integrated Landscape Policy and Economics

Region & Country
1 week
Course Type
One-Week Training

In May 2017 we held a 5 day course on landscape economics and policy in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Thirty-five people participated in the course, which consisted of the following modules:

Day 1

  • Overview of strategic landscape issues and policy
  • Linkage of policy, institutions, and practice on the ground
  • Sustainable landscape governance framework
  • Sustainable development: key principles and application

Day 2

  • Basic microeconomics
  • Basic macroeconomics
  • Government budgetary issues and linkages to landscape policy
  • Village development planning and allocation of the village fund

Day 3

  • Natural resource economics and policy
  • Landscape economics
  • Optimizing land-based economic production
  • Forestry economics and policy

Day 4

  • Land-based information systems and institutionalization of community rights over land resources
  • Access and control over land resources from an ethnographic perspective
  • Land-based conflict resolution framework
  • Opportunities in ongoing policy shifts at the ground level

Day 5

  • Economic valuation of natural resources and ecosystem services
  • Cost benefit analysis and trade-offs
  • Jurisdictional approach to sustainable land use Linkages among
  • Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA), economic analysis, medium term development planning, and spatial planning