Sintang Consolidation Workshop: A Green District by 2030

Sintang Consolidation Workshop: A Green District by 2030

Sintang Consolidation Workshop
Workshop participants in Sintang. Photo credit: Sopian Hidayat


In our ongoing effort to engage in the political process to protect the intact forest in the Heart of Borneo, CSF-Indonesia and the Sintang District Government conducted a two-day workshop in April. Participants incorporated the results of the multi-stakeholder scenario planning process into the official Government Work Plan for the Years 2020, 2021 and 2022 - 2027. The workshop focused on the draft District Action Plan (Rencana Aksi Daerah - RAD), a development planning document which will become law through a Bupati Regulation (Peraturan Bupati). The RAD will serve as a guideline for development efforts in Sintang through 2030, and adheres to the landscape plan that was formulated at the last CSF workshop in February.

Roughly thirty people from government and non-governmental institutions participated in the first day of the workshop. They were asked to review and analyze whether the draft RAD is adequate or needs additional changes, and they offered many insights and critical suggestions that will be incorporated during the next revision. In general, there was consensus on the basic ideas of the RAD, with only specific suggestions related to their planned programs.

Sintang Consolidation Workshop
Workshop participants in Sintang. Photo credit: Sopian Hidayat


On the second day, participants provided additional feedback to incorporate into the final version of the RAD. Some of the most interesting ideas that came forth were developing a non-timber forest business for indigenous people, promoting traditional cuisine at the national level, diversifying tourism locations and promoting them globally, and green energy development. Participants agreed that they wish to live in prosperity without depleting their natural resource wealth, and believe they have a mandate to guard their pristine landscape for future generations.

CSF-Indonesia will finalize the RAD by July and we plan to disseminate the final version to the public in September. Stay tuned for more updates on this long-term policy engagement.