Ani Suryanti
Research Title: The Impact of Oil Spills on the Tourism Economy in FMA 711, a Case Study of Bintan Island, Riau Islands
Ani Suryanti is a lecturer at Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (UMRAH) in the Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty (FIKP). She obtained her doctoral degree in Fisheries Resources at Bogor Agricultural Institute and has written several important reports, such as “The Identification of Bintan Island Native Fishes on Domestication,” “Social Mapping and the Influence on Oil and Gas Production at Anambas District,” and “Natuna Wetland as Indonesian Ramsar Site Candidate.” As one of our Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 711 Groundwork Analysis Fellows for 2019-2020, Ani will use her vast experience in fisheries management on her new research project, "The Impact of Oil Spills on the Tourism Economy in FMA 711, a Case Study of Bintan Island, Riau Islands." Ani’s research assesses the impact of man-made disasters on the Riau Islands, which are known for their marine tourism. She hopes that government officials and other stakeholders in Bintan Island will use her research to design a sustainable policy that protects wildlife, local residents, and the local economy.
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