Abdul Muis Sulaiman
Muis joined CSF in 2020 as Program Manager in Indonesia. With over twelve years of experience in strategic management from private, non-profit, and government organizations at national and international levels, Muis manages and collaborates with CSF’s strategic partners, coordinating, supervising, and executing programs in both marine fisheries and terrestrial portfolios. Muis is also involved in international fundraising initiatives, supporting communication and outreach programs. Previously, Muis was the General Manager of the Indonesian Pole & Line and Handline Fisheries Association (AP2HI) based in Jakarta, where he led the development and execution of strategic initiatives to strengthen AP2HI’s role in tuna fisheries across Indonesia. He holds a Master’s Degree in Coastal Resources Management from IPB University (Institut Pertanian Bogor) and a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development from Uppsala University, Sweden.