Guillermo Miguel Carlos Gómez
Guillermo has been selected for technical support proposed by Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and within the framework of the Scholars Program of the Initiative for Conservation in the Andean Amazon (ICAA), a program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The indigenous communities in the central forests of Peru have limited economic and social development due to the difficulties in implementing improvements in these regions. Due to the extreme effects of climate change and their vulnerability to climate-related events, these economically disadvantaged communities cannot sufficiently adapt to changing weather events. Guillermo's research seeks to efficiently evaluate the vulnerability of these indigenous communities to the effects of climate change, and to determine the economic costs associated with this vulnerability. The objectives are the following: to identify and evaluate the economic losses; propose a methodology to assess vulnerability according to the local reality and physical-environmental indicators; and to estimate the index and produce maps of the vulnerability. Using this index, Guillermo will determine the economic value of the losses caused by climate change using historical data and climate scenarios. The generation of this information, distinct to each community, will be used to support the reorientation of investments and reduce vulnerability.
Guillermo Carlos completed his undergraduate studies in Forestry and Environmental Engineering at Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú and holds a Master’s degree in Disaster Risk Management and Social Responsibility from Universidad Continental de Ciencias e Ingeniería. He has conducted research on community vulnerability to droughts, water scarcity, and the water infiltration into geological basins. He also works as a consultant on risk, hydrology and the formulation public investment projects.