Isaí Victorino Cubillos
Isaí has been selected for technical support proposed by Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and within the framework of the Scholars Program of the Initiative for Conservation in the Andean Amazon (ICAA), a program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
His research project seeks to design a PES strategy as well as to determine economic incentives for conservation in Churuco, Colombia. The project will also identify the opportunity costs incurred by the inhabitants of the community as they take action to promote primate conservation. Isaí's project also seeks to identify the willingness to pay (WTP) for wildlife viewing, and to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of this ecosystem service as a conservation tool.
Isaí is an ecologist who specializes in the issues of environmental governance and ecosystem management. He has experience in the design and implementation of integrated strategies for the management and conservation of ecosystems and ecosystem services. He has led the design of management plans in Indigenous Territories, considering the needs of all the stakeholders in the region. He has also co-led the design and implementation of payments for ecosystem services, and analyzed the environmental policy of the 1993 Colombian Law 99 and the national REDD+ strategy. He has worked on the design, analysis and implementation of socio-economic monitoring, as well as biological and environmental valuation studies in the Amazon Basin. He has worked as an independent consultant for numerous NGOs, from international organizations to small to small indigenous groups. He has substantial knowledge of participatory tools for building constructive dialogue amongst various indigenous groups, farmers and public and private stakeholders. He currently works developing activities for the group PROTERRA, leading the design and implementation of REDD+ strategies with indigenous people with OPIAC, supporting the construction of the environmental strategy of EPM with the support of WWF, and co-leading the project "State of the Art of Knowledge of Wetlands" in Colombia.