Making the Business Case for Rangeland Restoration in Kenya

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Our partner, Grevy’s Zebra Trust (GZT), is an independent wildlife conservation Trust protecting Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) in the community rangelands of Kenya. They are the only organisation that is 100% dedicated towards saving the endangered Grevy’s zebra, of which only 3,000 are left in the wild. 

Conservation Strategy Fund is supporting GZT by building a compelling case for investing in rangeland restoration activities, equivalent to a restoration offset, in Samburu, Isiolo and Marsabit Counties in northern Kenya. The potential investment will be aimed at producing a biodiversity net gain, supporting the growth of the endangered Grevy’s zebra population and enhancing the associated ecosystem services. 

CSF’s economists will carry out an ecosystem service valuation on different restoration scenarios allowing us to assess the improved ecosystem service benefit flow from effective restoration. This information can then inform a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) to compare the costs and benefits of different restoration scenarios to provide clarity to the region’s decision-makers. 

This information will inform potential Kenyan biodiversity, habitat or restoration offset policy, justifying why offsets can be a valuable form of conservation finance in areas of high infrastructural development.


Photo: Grevy's Zebra, from the African Wildlife Foundation's website