Solving the Amazon Puzzle: How to Promote Economic Development while Protecting the Rainforest

Facing rapid rates of deforestation and increased land grabbing, Brazil faces an uphill battle to protect the Amazon rainforest while prioritizing development and livelihoods for its population. New opportunities exist for Amazon rainforest conservation through the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) program by the UNFCCC, but more progress must be made to promote sustainable development in Brazil. 

Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF)-Brazil is working with IPAM (Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia, Amazon Environmental Research Institute) on a Norad funded project to provide technical recommendations to (1) end illegal deforestation, (2) reduce legal, territorial and socio-environmental uncertainty, (3) create a favorable environment for sustainable investments, and (4) strengthen production chains with low-carbon emissions in the Amazon. This large-scale project aims to create strategies and build enabling conditions for the entire Amazon rainforest. 

CSF-Brazil will deliver the results of our analysis through a series of reports and workshops for a variety of stakeholders in forest conservation, including government agencies, key policymakers, and leaders in Brazil’s soy production industry. 

Further, CSF hopes to support the development and implementation of policies for sustainable forests, environmental valuation, and land use in tropical forest jurisdictions in Brazil. The project also aims to build effective international incentive structures for reduced deforestation in tropical forest countries. Finally, it will create commodity markets that stimulate deforestation-free production in tropical forest countries, as well as financial markets that stimulate deforestation-free commodity production in tropical forest countries. 

This project is being conducted in partnership with IPAM with funding from Norad.

Photo: Amazon Rainforest in Brazil
Photo Credit: Gustavo Frazao/