

In partnership with GIZ, The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) held a virtual and online course on the design and implementation of economic tools to support the conservation of critical mangrove habitat across Brazil. Held over the first week of May, the five-day course, Economic Tools for the Management of Mangrove Habitat, focused on training 20 technical staff from the state governments of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, and Espírito Santo. 
A Conservação Estratégica (CSF) em parceria com o Público Federal (MPF) lançam no dia 09 de junho a “Calculadora de Impactos de Garimpo Ilegal de Ouro”. A ferramenta, que estará disponível em uma plataforma on-line e aberta ao público, pretende auxiliar órgãos competentes em ações estratégicas contra as atividades ilegais dos garimpos.
To better understand the challenges faced by coastal fishing communities during COVID-19, CSF fellow Alimudin Laapo decided to research how fisheries in the Central Sulawesi Province have adapted to the pandemic’s challenges. Through CSF’s Groundwork Analysis on Fisheries Management Areas (FMAs) 716 & 717, Alimudin Laapo used his fellowship as an opportunity to better understand the impact that COVID-19 measures have had on local fishing communities and to see if there were ways to offer support.
As one of CSF Indonesia’s flagship courses, Economic Tools for Fisheries and Marine Conservation has produced more than 50 alumni over the last two years and gained recognition for advancing marine conservation initiatives throughout Indonesia.
CSF is now hiring a Program Director to grow our presence in Southern and Eastern Africa, and a Program Manager to lead our conservation efforts in our Peru office.
The Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) is a government institution, independent of the three branches of the government, which is responsible for defending citizens against abuses and negligence by the government, and defending public property. In particular, the MPF has been active in combating activities that result in negative social and environmental impacts, such as illegal gold mining. However, prosecutors are often challenged to properly assess the financial penalties for individuals and companies for these infractions.
Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and Wildlife Conservation Society Bolivia (WCS) are currently working to provide technical guidance on the development of a mitigation hierarchy in the Bolivian transportation sector (Jerarquía de Mitigación - JdM).
El martes 23 de febrero iniciamos, junto al Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de Perú – Sernanp, el Curso de Sostenibilidad Financiera. El objetivo de este curso es construir capacidades institucionales para el financiamiento de la gestión de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas – ANP. Busca además fortalecer la adquisición de conocimientos y conceptos claros en sostenibilidad financiera y mejorar el uso de las herramientas económicas y de comunicación básicas para la planificación estratégica financiera.
Fisheries remain one of the most important and lucrative industries in the Indonesian economy, and their management significantly impacts the surrounding marine ecosystem. For the past few years, Conservation Strategy Fund Indonesia has been working to promote sustainable fishery management by providing stakeholders with essential economic tools and knowledge for better policymaking.
Conservation Strategy Fund is proud to announce our membership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world’s oldest and largest global environmental network and a global authority on protecting the natural world. By bringing together top experts and organizations, IUCN aims to forward conservation work and advance global sustainable development in over 160 countries.