

Sarah Chiles and Kim Bonine at The ICOET Conference. Photo Credit: Anonymous 
CSF-Indonesia seeks a full-time Economist & Program Coordinator for our project in Sintang. The person will coordinate CSF's efforts in Kabupaten Sintang, building on the results of our Phase 1 project. This position will work closely with CSF-Indonesia’s Director and Program Manager, and the BAPPEDA (Development Planning Agency) of Kabupaten Sintang.
Kiluan Sunset. Photo credit: Putu Liza Kusuma Mustika 
Scott Edwards and Jon Mellberg in Akagera National Park. Photo credit: Anonymous. 
The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) and the Office of the Pacific Ocean Commissioner (OPOC), in partnership with Conservation Strategy Fund, the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), launched the Pacific Ocean Finance Fellowship Program earlier this year.
Fifteen professionals from 12 different countries in Africa, Asia, and South, Central, and North America gathered in northern California for two weeks of new inspiration, strategies, networks, and tools to confront the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. Below are some participant reflections on the powerful experience and insights they received.
Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve. Photo credit: Ceci Simon 
CSF alumni Sutra Anjani. Photo credit: Anonymous 
The project team in front of the project stand at the Agrotins fair. From left to right: Maria Garcia (CI), Iamily Cunha (CI), Camila Jericó-Daminello (CSF), Paulo Seifer (Imaflora) and Karine Barcelos (CI). Photo credit: Anonymous 
Workshop participants in Sintang. Photo credit: Sopian Hidayat