

Call for Applications Training of Trainers (ToT) Bandung, 5 - 9 August 2024   YAYASAN STRATEGI KONSERVASI INDONESIA / CSF INDONESIA 
In the heart of West Borneo lies Sintang Regency, a region deeply committed to sustainable development and the protection of its precious ecosystems for the welfare of its people. With the invaluable support of various Conservation Non-Governmental Organizations (CSOs) like WWF-Indonesia, Sintang Fresh-Water Care, and Alam Kapuas Raya, the local government has taken significant steps to safeguard its natural treasures.
Since 2018, Conservation Strategy Fund Indonesia (CSF Indonesia) has collaborated with the Sintang Regency to develop Green Sintag, designed to transition West Kalimantan to low-carbon development principles and preserve its local ecosystems by 2030. 
Since 2018, Conservation Strategy Fund Indonesia (CSF Indonesia) has collaborated with the Sintang Regency to develop Green Sintag, designed to transition West Kalimantan to low-carbon development principles and preserve its local ecosystems by 2030. 
The Focus Group Discussion’s Participants. Photo by Hasan Adha Fauzi 
Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony with The Halu Oleo University, Kendari.
Indonesia is on the brink of a groundbreaking transformation in its economic landscape. The Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) or Earth-Based Economy Coalition is spearheading a movement that aims to accelerate the growth of a sustainable investment ecosystem, one that not only highlights the nation’s rich local wisdom but also safeguards its precious forests and peatlands.
  About the Groundwork Analysis (GWA) Program:
El pasado 25 de agosto finalizamos, con éxito, el curso virtual Análisis Costo – Beneficio para la integración del análisis económico en los procesos de decisión del sector pesquero. Nuestro primer curso virtual para pescadores y pescadoras de México, fue llevado a cabo con el apoyo de Comunidad y Biodiversidad – COBI.