

Call for Applications Training of Trainers (ToT) Bandung, 5 - 9 August 2024   YAYASAN STRATEGI KONSERVASI INDONESIA / CSF INDONESIA 
Conservation Strategy Fund’s global training team launched its first in-person course in the US since 2019 last November 8th & 9th. Over the two-day course, participants explored the root causes of environmental and conservation problems, earning a background in ecological economics to speak the language of finance with decision-makers around the world. 
This August and September, Conservation Strategy Fund brought 43 participants together for the 25th iteration of our world-renowned Economics and Finance for Environmental Leadership Course. This course is designed for professionals at the forefront of global sustainability issues, to train them on key economic and financial mechanisms they can use in their work building sustainable conservation strategies.
As CSF Indonesia continues its journey as a steadfast partner of the Sintang Government in their quest to achieve the Green Sintang sustainable development vision by 2030, our efforts have garnered recognition from the government and civil society organizations across Indonesia. In July, CSF Indonesia (YSKI), was invited to the General Meeting of Members by the Sustainable District Forum (LTKL) and received three prestigious awards acknowledging our dedication to supporting and facilitating positive changes in Sintang District over the past five years.
Indonesia is on the brink of a groundbreaking transformation in its economic landscape. The Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) or Earth-Based Economy Coalition is spearheading a movement that aims to accelerate the growth of a sustainable investment ecosystem, one that not only highlights the nation’s rich local wisdom but also safeguards its precious forests and peatlands.
El pasado jueves 27 de abril finalizamos la primera versión, 100% en línea y en español, de nuestro reconocido curso Economía y Finanzas para el Liderazgo Ambiental.
CSF completed a training to increase capacity for natural capital approaches in Africa at the end of 2022, providing tools and knowledge for development planning professionals to integrate natural capital finance into their work.  Background
On December 8, 2022, our Sintang Groundwork Analysis consortium gathered to share their findings from their work on green budget tagging, a practice of identifying elements within the regency’s budget that are beneficial to the advancement of sustainable or “green” efforts, supporting the vision of the Green Sintang Initiatives.
Workshop participants, Bajo Madidi. Photo Credit: Conservation Strategy Fund