

The Focus Group Discussion’s participants. Photo credit: Hasan Adha Fauzi 
From all of us here at CSF, we want to say thank you! As we look back on what has been an incredibly difficult year, we know one thing is certain: without your support, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish so much. Your support powered our work and helped us to continue our important conservation efforts around the world. To celebrate all CSF achieved this year, we want to share some of our major highlights from 2020:
This past September, Conservation Strategy Fund partnered with the Cerrado Institute (Instiuto Cerrados) to host a virtual seminar in Brazil on the economic and social implications of increased pesticide use in farming practices in the Brazilian Cerrado. Because of the increased use of harmful pesticides in farming along with reduced government regulation and oversight, local communities across Brazil have struggled with the associated health risks and resulting environmental damage.
In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, CSF Indonesia held its first-ever webinar as a part of our collaborative engagement with the Sintang District Government in West Kalimantan, Indonesia for its Green Sintang Action Plan.
Photo: Workshop participants.Photo credit: Jaqueline Hombono, Secretariat for the Environment, Amapá State 
CSF Analyst Sopian Hidayat working with a group during the Capacity Building workshop. Photo credit: Hasanul Adha Fauzi 
The 2019 Pacific Ocean Finance Fellows, mentor team, and FFA and OPOC representatives. Photo credit: Tanoa Hotel
Sintang’s Regent Jarot Winarno and CSF-Indonesia Director Mubariq Ahmad at the seminar. Photo credit: Hasan Adha Fauzi