

To better understand the challenges faced by coastal fishing communities during COVID-19, CSF fellow Alimudin Laapo decided to research how fisheries in the Central Sulawesi Province have adapted to the pandemic’s challenges. Through CSF’s Groundwork Analysis on Fisheries Management Areas (FMAs) 716 & 717, Alimudin Laapo used his fellowship as an opportunity to better understand the impact that COVID-19 measures have had on local fishing communities and to see if there were ways to offer support.
As one of CSF Indonesia’s flagship courses, Economic Tools for Fisheries and Marine Conservation has produced more than 50 alumni over the last two years and gained recognition for advancing marine conservation initiatives throughout Indonesia.
The Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) is a government institution, independent of the three branches of the government, which is responsible for defending citizens against abuses and negligence by the government, and defending public property. In particular, the MPF has been active in combating activities that result in negative social and environmental impacts, such as illegal gold mining. However, prosecutors are often challenged to properly assess the financial penalties for individuals and companies for these infractions.
Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and Wildlife Conservation Society Bolivia (WCS) are currently working to provide technical guidance on the development of a mitigation hierarchy in the Bolivian transportation sector (Jerarquía de Mitigación - JdM).
El martes 23 de febrero iniciamos, junto al Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de Perú – Sernanp, el Curso de Sostenibilidad Financiera. El objetivo de este curso es construir capacidades institucionales para el financiamiento de la gestión de las Áreas Naturales Protegidas – ANP. Busca además fortalecer la adquisición de conocimientos y conceptos claros en sostenibilidad financiera y mejorar el uso de las herramientas económicas y de comunicación básicas para la planificación estratégica financiera.
From all of us here at CSF, we want to say thank you! As we look back on what has been an incredibly difficult year, we know one thing is certain: without your support, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish so much. Your support powered our work and helped us to continue our important conservation efforts around the world. To celebrate all CSF achieved this year, we want to share some of our major highlights from 2020:
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the whale shark, or Rhincodon typus, has been added to IUCN's red list of endangered species, following a population decline of 50% over the last three generations. While the causes of the whale shark population’s decline are not yet fully known, the conservation of their remaining habitat is more critical now than ever before.
Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) Indonesia employs a research-to-policy approach to providing sustainable development goals for marine management all across Indonesia. As a part of this approach, CSF Indonesia collaborated with the Agency of Research and Human Resources (BRSDM) within the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) to hold a National Seminar on Research and Policy in Fisheries Socio-Economics.  
This August, CSF Indonesia held its first virtual course in collaboration with the Sintang District Government in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, as a part of the ongoing Green Sintang Action Plan. In response to COVID-19, CSF Indonesia transitioned the in-person training into a virtual format, which allowed the team to better reach local stakeholders and community leaders throughout the Sintang District.
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Conservation Strategy Fund held its first-ever virtual and online training for our flagship international course: Economics and Finance for Environmental Leadership. With 57 participants from 29 different countries, the CSF training team worked tirelessly to transition our in-person course into a virtual learning format and provide an exceptional educational experience for participants from all over the world.