CSF Launches HydroCalculator Tool Version 3.0

CSF Launches HydroCalculator Tool Version 3.0

CSF recently released the HydroCalculator Version 3.0 with two major advances. First, the tool interactively enables the user to pinpoint the exact location of the hydro project on a map, which can show satellite imagery and terrain. Second, a global map of land-cover types, with corresponding carbon densities, has been linked to the tool so that it automatically calculates net carbon emissions. Advanced users can override the land-cover selection and choose up to four different types of land-covers flooded by the dam, and their respective shares of the area inundated. We have added dozens of land-cover types – all of those included in the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center dataset. Other improvements to the tool include:

•Enabling sensitivity analysis for changes in key parameters, such as the cost of a dam or the price of electricity.

•Automatic alert for possible errors when the dam’s rate of return falls outside a typical range

•Sorting projects by rate of return instead of net present value to remove inconsistencies from the use of different currencies •Automatic conversion of electricity prices when users select a different currency

•Turbine phase-in, to account for dams where generation begins before the entire project is completed •Use of “sliders” to reduce error in input data

•Grouping of inputs into an expandable “accordion” for greater ease of use

•Better comment and messaging functions to facilitate communication among users

Meanwhile, the list of supported countries has grown from six Amazon countries to 30 countries worldwide. The tool now has Central and South American countries, as well as nations in Asia and Africa where hydropower development is a major environmental and social issue. Much of the country-specific energy data is presented in graphics in the HCT’s help section, along with extensive links to data sources. To try out the new tool, click here. If you have expertise you would like to contribute to further development of the tool, please contact us!

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