

Call for Applications Training of Trainers (ToT) Bandung, 5 - 9 August 2024   YAYASAN STRATEGI KONSERVASI INDONESIA / CSF INDONESIA 
In the heart of West Borneo lies Sintang Regency, a region deeply committed to sustainable development and the protection of its precious ecosystems for the welfare of its people. With the invaluable support of various Conservation Non-Governmental Organizations (CSOs) like WWF-Indonesia, Sintang Fresh-Water Care, and Alam Kapuas Raya, the local government has taken significant steps to safeguard its natural treasures.
On December 8, 2022, our Sintang Groundwork Analysis consortium gathered to share their findings from their work on green budget tagging, a practice of identifying elements within the regency’s budget that are beneficial to the advancement of sustainable or “green” efforts, supporting the vision of the Green Sintang Initiatives.
The Focus Group Discussion’s participants. Photo credit: Hasan Adha Fauzi 
From all of us here at CSF, we want to say thank you! As we look back on what has been an incredibly difficult year, we know one thing is certain: without your support, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish so much. Your support powered our work and helped us to continue our important conservation efforts around the world. To celebrate all CSF achieved this year, we want to share some of our major highlights from 2020:
Photo: Workshop participants.Photo credit: Jaqueline Hombono, Secretariat for the Environment, Amapá State 
For the past year, CSF-Bolivia has been working on an innovative platform called CASA Verde which aims to engage different sectors of Bolivian society including conservation NGOs, private companies, and the general public, who are interested in contributing to environmental conservation. The main objective of CASA Verde is to improve conservation of ecosystems that sustain life and productive activities in Bolivia by promoting greater participation and awareness in society. CASA Verde will also contribute to the implementation of the commitments assumed by Bolivia in the National Development Plan, as well as the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
José Carlos Rubio Ayllón (CSF) presenting the HydroCalculator.
Reunión en Peñas Blancas, Parque Farallones del Cali. Foto: Carlos SolísColombia es actualmente uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad del planeta. Esta riqueza está representada en 59 áreas naturales, las cuales son administradas por el Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (SPNNC). ElSPNNC está apostando por la implementación de esquemas de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales (PSA), a fin de estimular la conservación, preservación y restauración de los ecosistemas.