

With a final Zoom session on Tuesday, September 13, CSF’s Numbers for Nature Training Institute completed its 2022 online International Economics and Finance for Environmental Leadership course.
[Spanish & English] Our partner, the Group for Development Analysis (GRADE) recently presented on a joint publication entitled "Connectivity in the Peruvian Amazon: Analysis of a Road Portfolio and Case Study Boca Manu - Boca Colorado'' during the Foro Internacional Interconectando Bienestar en la Amazonía. This international forum for the well-being of the amazon was organized by the Observatory for Sustainable Road Infrastructure in the Amazonian Andes, of which Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF), GRADE, and the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS Peru).
El pasado 25 de agosto finalizamos, con éxito, el curso virtual Análisis Costo – Beneficio para la integración del análisis económico en los procesos de decisión del sector pesquero. Nuestro primer curso virtual para pescadores y pescadoras de México, fue llevado a cabo con el apoyo de Comunidad y Biodiversidad – COBI.
The Landscape Modeling Training participants. Photo by Hasan Adha Fauzi  
Conservation Strategy Fund’s Smart Infrastructure Series communicates our expertise in sustainable infrastructure development around the world. In this series, our team of expert economists share their advice on balancing development with the conservation of healthy ecosystems for short and long-term social, economic, and environmental well-being.  Brazil to Rebuild a Highway Through the Amazon, but At What Cost? 
Sintang Green Budget Tagging Workshop participants. Photo by Hasan Adha Fauzi​​​​  
Final Workshop Participants and The Rector of Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc. Photo by: Hasan Adha Fauzi 
CSF’s Mining Impact Calculator has been selected as one of 13 finalists for the Conservation X Labs’ Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: The Amazon With funding support from Microsoft, USAID, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Esri, this Challenge aims to support  innovators to develop and implement solutions that
On May 30th and 31st, 2022, Yayasan Strategi Konservasi Indonesia (YSKI, or CSF Indonesia) hosted “Sintang Green Budget Tagging Training Toward Sustainable Sintang 2030”
Kick-Off meeting opening remarks by Veronica Ancili (Head of Sintang’s Food Security and Fishery Agency), dr.