Many people think logging is a major cause of tropical deforestation, but in this blog post we show that expanding forestry concessions may actually be the best way of protecting the forest in Bolivia.
In 2016, about 5.6 million hectares of Bolivian forest were being used for timber production through long-term forestry concessions (see Map 1). The forestry concessions were located mainly in areas with Amazon rainforest (63%) and Chiquitano dry forest (31%).
Map 1: Forestry concessions in Bolivia, 2016 (5.6 million hectares)
Mucha gente piensa que la tala de árboles es una de las principales causas de deforestación. En este blog mostraremos que, en realidad, expandir las concesiones forestales puede ser la mejor manera de proteger los bosques en Bolivia.
En 2016, alrededor de 5,6 millones de hectáreas de bosque en Bolivia estaban siendo utilizadas para la producción de madera a partir de concesiones forestales de largo plazo (ver Mapa 1). Las concesiones forestales estaban localizadas principalmente en el Bosque Amazónico (63%) y Bosque Seco Chiquitano (31%).
El pasado jueves 14 de septiembre Conservación Estratégica (CSF, por sus siglas en inglés), con el apoyo financiero de Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), finalizó con éxito el curso de capacitación “Sostenibilidad Financiera de las organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y otros socios de CEPF del Hotspot Andes Tropicales” con el principal objetivo de desarrollar capacidades para la sostenibilidad financiera de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) socias y otros aliados de CEPF
Deforestation implies a dramatic change of vegetation cover and land-use that can easily be observed from space. Figure 1 shows a particularly striking series of satellite images of the San Julián settlement north of the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia between 1975 and 2021.
Figure 1: Satellite images of the San Julian settlement in 1975, 1986, 1995, 2005, 2017, and 2021.
La deforestación implica un cambio dramático en la cobertura de vegetación y el uso de suelo que puede observarse fácilmente desde el espacio. La Figura 1 muestra una serie de imágenes satelitales particularmente llamativa de un asentamiento en el Municipio de San Julián, al norte de la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en Bolivia entre 1975 y 2021.
Figura 1: Imágenes satelitales de San Julián en 1975, 1986, 1995, 2005, 2017 y 2021.
In the heart of West Borneo lies Sintang Regency, a region deeply committed to sustainable development and the protection of its precious ecosystems for the welfare of its people. With the invaluable support of various Conservation Non-Governmental Organizations (CSOs) like WWF-Indonesia, Sintang Fresh-Water Care, and Alam Kapuas Raya, the local government has taken significant steps to safeguard its natural treasures.
For the last five years, CSF Indonesia has been at the forefront of conservation efforts in Sintang, working tirelessly to implement a sustainable development plan for the Indonesian province. Sintang’s local government has recently embraced more regulations for conservation with their adoption of Regent Regulations No. 66/2019 on the Sustainable Sintang Action Plan (RAD-SL). In collaboration with CSF Indonesia, the Sintang government has been striving to build a robust economy while safeguarding its natural resources and the environment.
As CSF Indonesia continues its journey as a steadfast partner of the Sintang Government in their quest to achieve the Green Sintang sustainable development vision by 2030, our efforts have garnered recognition from the government and civil society organizations across Indonesia. In July, CSF Indonesia (YSKI), was invited to the General Meeting of Members by the Sustainable District Forum (LTKL) and received three prestigious awards acknowledging our dedication to supporting and facilitating positive changes in Sintang District over the past five years.
Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) has developed a tool to estimate the economic impact of illegal gold mining in Brazil, Colombia and Peru.
According to our study, it is estimated that between 2020 and 2022, the economic impact of illegal gold mining along the borders of Peru, Colombia and Brazil was between US$20 million and US$62 million including the monetary estimates of damages in environmental and human health.
Análisis estimó el impacto económico de la minería ilegal de oro en áreas fronterizas entre Brasil y Colombia. Según estudio, se estima que entre 2020 y 2022, el impacto económico de la presencia de la minería ilegal en áreas de triple frontera de Perú, Colombia y Brasil sería entre 20 a 62 millones de USD.