

El pasado 1ro de abril iniciamos la segunda versión, 100% en línea y en español, de nuestro reconocido curso Economía y Finanzas para el Liderazgo Ambiental, que se lleva a cabo en nuestra nueva plataforma para capacitaciones en línea Instituto Numbers for Nature. El objetivo del mismo es ofrecer a profesionales de América Latina herramientas económicas que tienen aplicabilidad en el campo de la conservación de la naturaleza
  A 4Nature Podcast Interview with Kevin Webb and Tom Quigley, co-founders of Superorganism, the world's first venture capital firm for biodiversity.    
Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) held two workshops in Guyana and Suriname to introduce key actors and experts in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) with the fundamental concepts and variables that comprise the economic valuation methodology that underpins CSF's Mining Impacts Calculator.
En ese sentido, Conservación Estratégica (CSF - Conservation Strategy Fund) y la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) organizaron dos talleres en Guyana y Surinam para acercar a actores claves y expertos en minería artesanal de pequeña escala (MAPE), con los conceptos y variables fundamentales que forman parte de la metodología de valoración económica base de la Calculadora de Impactos do Garimpo de CSF.
The Challenges of REDD+ Projects in Colombia: A Look Beyond Environmental Promises By Rocío Rodríguez Granados Colombia Director Bogotá, Colombia
Empowering Communities: Economics as a Catalyst in Environmental and Cultural Preservation  By Rocío Rodríguez Granados Colombia Director, Conservation Strategy Fund
Global Leaders in Conservation Economics and Finance, Conservation Strategy Fund and Conservation Finance Alliance join forces to implement innovative financial solutions and empower conservation leaders in their efforts to address today’s climate and biodiversity crises. This unique partnership will deliver impactful conservation finance solutions that realign incentives to serve both people and nature.
Conservation Strategy Fund’s global training team launched its first in-person course in the US since 2019 last November 8th & 9th. Over the two-day course, participants explored the root causes of environmental and conservation problems, earning a background in ecological economics to speak the language of finance with decision-makers around the world. 
This August and September, Conservation Strategy Fund brought 43 participants together for the 25th iteration of our world-renowned Economics and Finance for Environmental Leadership Course. This course is designed for professionals at the forefront of global sustainability issues, to train them on key economic and financial mechanisms they can use in their work building sustainable conservation strategies.